Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Choosing the Best Air Filter for your Home

Breathe deep with improved

air quality 

 You can begin improving the air quality in your home immediately just by changing or upgrading your air filter. There are several factors to consider when deciding which air filter to buy.


Home air filters keep the coils on the air conditioning system clean. Dirty coils make the system work harder. Every time a technician from Jackson Total Service visits your home, he records a static pressure measurement.  If that number is high, your coil may be dirty.  Keeping the filter clean protects the coils and helps prolong the life of your air-conditioning unit.


The most important thing to remember about home air filters is to change them regularly. Even the highest-quality filter can't do its job right if it's clogged with a thick layer of particles. Different filters are meant to be changed at different intervals, but once a month is a common time frame. Brand new homes, as well as homes where there is remodeling or construction going on, will need more frequent filter changes to compensate for the extra dust and residue in the air.  The chart below highlights some of the option in air filters available to you from Jackson Total Service.



Don’t let your NOSE be the best air cleaner in your home.


Since we spend 90% of our time indoors, it's important that the air inside our homes is safe and clean. A home with poor air quality or indoor air pollutants can lead to illness and discomfort. Respiratory infections, sneezing and chronic lung conditions like asthma have been linked to poor indoor air quality. You don’t have to put up with an unhealthy home.  There is a way to fix them permanently.  New technology and repair procedures can transform your home into a wonderful indoor environment.  ASK about our Home & Duct Comfort Evaluation.





Jackson Total Service is an air conditioning, plumbing and electrical contractor in Naples, FL.  Contact us at (239) 643-0923 or on the web at  We are located at 3727 Enterprise Ave Naples, FL 34104